Ideas Use this category to recommend an idea for a grant proposal that you’d like to see a developer officially pursue a grant for. Post ideas for things that you think will benefit the Sia ecosystem. Rejected When the committee decides a proposal isn’t what the Foundation is going for, you’ll find it here. Inactive The “Inactive” grants category is for projects that failed to reach their objectives. This section serves as a record, looking at what didn’t work, which can be just as instructive as what did. While these grants are no longer active, they can provide context and information for future grants in the same direction. Complete When a grant is complete, it moves here. Send the developer(s) a congrats, and see if you can try out their completed project. Approved When the committee approves a grant, it will move to this Approved list. Grantees will provide monthly progress updates and community discussion will take place in these threads for the duration of the project. Proposed Updated Friday, September 29th, 2023 Submit a proposal as a new topic in the Proposed section of our forums.