Standard Grant
Project Name: DartSia Mobile App
Name of the organization or individual submitting the proposal:
James Brel tamegno
Egoume Mouyong Rekiyatou
Project Description :
Dartsia is a mobile application which aims to allow users of the sia ecosystem to access a Renterd node and be able to interact with it. The Sia application platform is full of a wide range of software to enable the storage and sharing of data and among these software, renterd is the most efficient. Renterd allows users to store data on the Sia network and also to be able to interact securely with the network, but the problem that arises in turn comes from the fact that users of mobile devices do not have the possibility of accessing the network from their phone. It is for this reason that we considered creating an application that would allow easy access to a renterd node (even for novice users) while ensuring the security of their data.
During our previous grant, we made the application fully functional by developing the following features:
Login : Be able to connect to a rented host using its IPv4 or DNS address and password.
Network Overview : This functionality allows you to display real-time data on the state of the Sia network as well as its interactions (Numbers of active hosts, Total Network storage, Total used storage, Storage Price per TB)
Host Research : This functionality allows you to list all the hosts available and active on the network.
Show Host informations : This feature allows you to display all of the host’s information as well and its scoring.
My Host Overview : Allows you to display the operating information of your host and see its operating status
Modify Host Parameters : This feature allows you to easily modify your host’s configuration settings.
Buckets and file management (70%) : This functionality gives the possibility of managing Buckets on your renterd host as well as all files and folders (Creation of folders, Uploading of files, Renaming of files, Deleting files and moving files).
Communication Middleware : We created a middleware application in Go to ensure the communication functions between the application and Renterd, initialization and recording of user connection information and especially encryption of traffic via SSL and AES256 protocols.
During this new phase of our project, it will mainly be a question for us to improve the application with new features to allow end users an optimal use. We will try to rework the UI / UX part of our application and then make the features that could not be completed fully functional and finally we will work on additional features among which:
- Implementation of a file encryption feature
- Implementation of a phone file backup feature similar to Google drive
- Implementation of the notification functionality
- implementation of a file viewer compatible with several file types (documents,videos…)
- Implementation of a sqlitedb backup system for the Renterd server
Timeline :
This second phase of our project will be divided into 5 months, each month corresponding to a set of milestones :
Milestone 1 : (4 Weeks)
- Create the file viewer functionality
- Create the file sharing functionality
- Publish the app on Apple Store
- Integrate test and Deploy the New Features
- Send the sia Grant Report
Milestone 2 : (4 Weeks)
- Create the Notification system (Middleware Service)
- Create the Notification system (App service)
- Change the file encryption system
- Integrate test and Deploy the New Features
- Send the sia Grant Report
Milestone 3 : (4 Weeks)
- Implementing host scoring for the host list
- Implementation of the error management system
- Fixing non-functional features
- Integrate test and Deploy the New Features
- Send the sia Grant Report
Milestone 4 : (4 Weeks)
Create the phone system on app backup
Redesign the mobile APP to optimise the User Interface
Integrate test and Deploy the New Features
Send the sia Grant Report
Milestone 5 : (4 Weeks)
- Real time upload statut
- ChunKed upload function (Large file spliting)
- Integrate test and Deploy the New Features
- Send the sia Grant Report
Budget :
To be able to carry out this project, we are requesting a total budget of $41250. As indicated in the terms of the Sia Foundation, the budget will be used monthly and at each Milestone. The use of this budget will be made according to the following points:
Milestone 1: Budget $8250
Flutter Developer Salary (Frontend) $4000
Go Lang Developer Salary (Middleware) $4000
Cloud hosting service $250
Milestone 2: Budget $8250
Flutter Developer Salary (Frontend) $4000
Go Lang Developer Salary (Middleware) $4000
Cloud hosting service $250
Milestone 3: Budget $8250
Flutter Developer Salary (Frontend) $4000
Go Lang Developer Salary (Middleware) $4000
Cloud hosting service $250
Milestone 4: Budget $8250
Flutter Developer Salary (Frontend) $4000
Go Lang Developer Salary (Middleware) $4000
Cloud hosting service $250
Milestone 5 : Budget $8250
Flutter Developer Salary (Frontend) $4000
Go Lang Developer Salary (Middleware) $4000
Cloud hosting service $250
Potentials risk to the project :
The potential risks that can affect the completion of our project can be numerous and varied. Here are some of the most common risks:
Financial risks: This includes project budget overrun, exchange rate fluctuations during monthly payments, unexpected costs related to cloud resource consumption, etc.
Risks linked to deadlines: Delays in the development of the modules of our package, planning problems over the duration of the milestones, unforeseen difficulties can lead to delays in the completion of the project.
Human Resources Risks: This includes loss of key team members, internal conflicts, competency issues, etc.
Technical risks: Problems related to technology (framework to use, external packages, etc.), tools, equipment, software or hardware can affect the progress of the project.
External risks: This includes unforeseen events such as illness, legal or regulatory changes, political issues, etc.
It is essential for the success of a project to properly identify, evaluate and manage these risks throughout its implementation.
Development Information :
Will all of your project’s code be open-source?
All of our project will be open source and under the MIT Licence
Leave a link where code will be accessible for review : GitHub - DartSiaProject/siahost
Do you agree to submit monthly progress reports ?
We agree to submit the progress report every month on the dates mentioned on the Notion board.
Contact informations :
Email: [email protected]
Any other preferred contact methods: