Small Grant: SIA Media

Name of the Project: SIA Media

Name of the organization or individual submitting the proposal: @Dk_51

Describe your project: We aim to establish an ecosystem for the global SIA Ecosystem community, and a Media Centre to provide all news related to the SIA Ecosystem, support SIA Build Projects and generate exclusive user interactions from India in On-chain Transactions.

What category does the project fall under? (Development, Research, Community, Infrastructure)

  • Media Community (Global Level)

How does the projected outcome serve the Foundation’s mission of user-owned data?

  • Increase community growth of the SIA official accounts and create a global community for the SIA protocol.
  • Onboard new developers.
  • Interact with new users from other blockchains.
  • Assist with new transactions.
  • Promote SIA Protocol announcements through weekly article posts and high social media reach.
  • AMAs with the SIA Protocol-related Projects.
  • Onchain Campaging to attract new users from different web3 [Zealy, QuestN, Galxe, Layer3, TaskOn, and Midle]
  • Thread Posts on New Listed Products and Updates

SIA Media Team Members

All team members are highly experienced in the blockchain industry, and active in other blockchains too…

  • Team Lead: Dk
  • Graphic Designer: Worthy Soul
  • Telegram Moderator: Nikhil
  • Content Creator [articles, threads and AMAs]: Kushal
  • Social Media Manager [Twitter, Instagram, TG & medium]: RD Prajapati

Grant Specifics

  • 2500$ SIA Media Team [Graphic Designer, Content Creator, SMM, Marketing Manager, Researcher & Team Lead]
  • 500$ Community Rewards [AMAs, Contest, campaign]

Total: 3000$

What are the goals of this small grant?

SIA Media Content/Design/Contest:

  • Thread Posts/ Research On dApps/ Weekly News Letter [10+ Thread Posts with strong content and user engagements]
  • Graphic Posts on SIA Projects, updates, and Insights [50+ Graphics Posts]
  • Regular Updates Tweets [20-25 Tweets]
  • Community Quizzes/Contest/Campaging [4-5 monthly Events]
  • Community AMAs [3+ Monthly AMAs with SIA Build Projects & in other Blockchains to attract users]

Social Media Platforms:


  • 1500+ Active Followers
  • 50k+ Impressions
  • 10-20+ likes on each post

Telegram Chat

  • 300+ members
  • 50+ daily active members
  • 5-7k+ Messages monthly

Telegram Channel

  • 500+ Active Members
  • 500-700+ Views on each post


  • 200+ active follower
  • 80+ Story Views

Supports 2 targeted projects from SIA Blockchain

  • So, during the starting month, we will boost 2 newly built projects from the SIA ecosystem and support them via different activities…
  • We will include their social media platforms in our giveaway, campaign, contest and on-chain tasks, so new users will also be aware of this project and learn something new about its upcoming updates… [Zealy, Giveaway, Quizzes and many more]

Do you agree to submit monthly progress reports?

Yes, we agree on this point!

Connect with the Team Lead:

SIA Media

@community feedback would be appreciates, feel free to jump on the call ([email protected])


one of our successful projects in another blockchain >> Profile - Nearmedianews - NEAR Forum

Thanks for your new proposal to The Sia Foundation Grants Program.

Your current proposal doesn’t follow our required format for grant submissions. Refer to the Proposal Format for small grants.

Please review the format linked above and update your proposal as appropriate.

Hello @steve , I appreciate your prompt response. We will revise our proposal format ASAP.

I hope you have a wonderful day! :blush:

Hey @steve, we have updated our proposal, according to the grant format, thanks! :pray:

Thanks for the update. The committee typically meets every other week, but due to other obligations their next meeting is scheduled for October 15. This will be on the docket for review then.

no worries, looking forward to hearing back from all of you! :heartpulse: