Small Grant: Retroactive grant for SiaFund Earnings


Project Name: SiaFund Earnings

Name of the organization or individual submitting the proposal: Bustedware LLC

Describe your project.

SiaFund Earnings is a website designed to track SiaFund claim amounts, offering a unique perspective on the overall utilization of the network. It also serves as a valuable tool for investors in evaluating whether the potential ROI fits within their individual risk tolerance. Current SiaFund holders may also find this tool valuable for a snapshot for how much they may have earned over a given period of time.

How does the projected outcome serve the Foundation’s mission of user-owned data?

By providing insights into SiaFund claim amounts and network utilization, the website equips users with the data they need to make informed decisions about their participation in the SiaFund ecosystem. This transparency reinforces the idea of user ownership and control over their interactions with the network.

We cannot provide grants to residents of jurisdictions under increased FATF monitoring, those that have active OFAC sanctions, or those that fail our bank compliance tests. We also cannot provide grants if your payment bank account is located in those same locations. Please review the following list.

Are you a resident of any jurisdiction on that list? No

Will your payment bank account be located in any jurisdiction on that list? No

Grant Specifics

Amount of money requested and justification with a reasonable breakdown of expenses: $5000

  • DNS Renewal
  • Lambda and API gateway costs in AWS
  • Time already spent on the website as well as its continued support
  • MongoDB Atlas hosting (see potential risks for more info)

Potential risks that will affect the outcome of the project:

  • Currently the claims amounts are scraped from the latest version of siad. This service provides an endpoint which makes it easy to track the siafund claims amounts. With the upcoming hard fork and transition to walletd, I haven’t seen the same level of data siad is currently producing for claims amounts (at least not in the same frequency as I haven’t seen any claims amounts come through the walletd UI yet or balance adjustments via the /balance API endpoint)

  • Data is currently hosted and aggregated in MongoDB Atlas free tier. Heavy traffic may require moving off the free tier, or caching responses in API gateway, which would come with an additional cost.

Development Information

Will all of your project’s code be open-source?

Yes. Upon grant approval the code will be shared publicly in GitHub.

Leave a link where code will be accessible for review.

Do you agree to submit monthly progress reports?

Yes, although I’m not sure with this being a retroactive grant proposal how to best proceed.

Contact info

Email: [email protected]

edit: added link to actual website in project description

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Thanks for your latest proposal! The committee wasn’t able to review this grant today, so they will review it during their next meeting on January 7th. The committee will miss a meeting due to the holidays.

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Thanks for your proposal to The Sia Foundation Grants Program.

After review, the committee has decided to approve your proposal. Congratulations!

We’ll reach out to your provided email address for onboarding. This shouldn’t take long unless your info has changed from last time.

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Thank you! I am working on publishing to github as promised, I do have a minor change in info from the last grant. Looking forward to hearing from the team.


Report for February 2nd, 2015

I was able to make updates to pull data out of walletd instead of collecting data from siac. Updated code has already been published to github.


Final report for March 2nd, 2025

  1. Updated the main page to show that the effort was funded by the Sia Foundation via grant
  2. Added a service file for running the data collector as a service if running on linux


To mitigate one of the potential risks:

Data is currently hosted and aggregated in MongoDB Atlas free tier. Heavy traffic may require moving off the free tier, or caching responses in API gateway, which would come with an additional cost

In addition to the data collector, there should be a separate process to create rollups so that its not performed on the fly each time the page is rendered. This is still in process but does not impact the sites functionality today.

Thanks @bustedware, we’ll reach out with offboarding info shortly!