Skynet and Sia are intrinsically linked. Every app and user on Skynet is directly using the Sia network. Every file uploaded uses more available storage and creates new contracts, but more importantly pushes us closer to a digital world where privacy is respected and censorship is defeated.
Growth for the Skynet developer ecosystem supports more builders using, understanding and leveraging Sia as a foundational layer for web3, and Skynet usage moves Sia and the ideals of decentralization forward. Additionally, apps on Skynet grows Skynet and Sia usage into user communities that would not otherwise find or need these protocols.
For this reason, Skynet Labs is requesting $250,000 in siacoin from the Sia Foundation to fund a Summer Program targeting open-source developers.
The goal of the Summer Program would be to encourage and provide guidance to developers looking to build applications on Skynet. We’ve had success in seeing MVPs come out of hackathons, but we’d like to extend this success by creating a space for teams to give additional attention to their ideas, allowing projects to mature to a level that meets the needs of more users.
By directly funding individuals and creating a peer community for support and accountability, we believe that a 12 week program will seed multiple high-quality projects in the ecosystem with a momentum that can support continued development.
Summer Program
Skynet Labs will set up, promote and oversee a 12 week summer program to incentivize Skynet app development. Participants will develop their skapp over this three month period. Skapps can fulfill any criteria that betters the distributed storage ecosystem.
With a goal of 25 participants, each project will join a weekly meeting with other project teams to present their work and progress to the group. The Skynet team will be available for the duration of the project to provide insight and direction.
The participant’s goal at the end of 12 weeks is to create a functioning Skynet app that fills a new niche in the Skynet ecosystem. These apps will be open-source to support additional development and will be encouraged to build with and expand on Skynet Standards to support interoperable data across Skynet.
Development time will last from June 1 to August 31, 2022.
April - May 2022 :
- Secure funding from Sia Foundation and finalize design of the Summer Program
- Announce program and launch campaign calling for applicants
June-August 2022 :
- Builders engaged in the Summer Program