My first mounth on sia


I am Fabien from france, 36 years old, energy entrepreneur. I dont speak very well english sorry

I begin the 15 january, i read the docs ( they are not detailed )
I bought 5 k sia on Binance, transfert it, no problem
During 3 days i was stuck because firewall problem ( it will be nice if the docs are more friendly on this point )
After my hostd work fine, i can verify with ( very nice )

I have 100 TO at the moment, 7.5 was on sia, 98.5 % uptime

my wallet 5 k sia at begining, is now at 1 k. I understand because collaterals

When i am on main page in my browser ( i run on windows ), scale is 1 mounth, i see:

  1. Potential-all-total : 1 ks
  2. earned-all-total : 17 sc

Its mean during the next mounth ( 15/02 to 15/03 ), i will potential win 1ks ?
Its mean during this mounth ( 15/01 to 15/02 ), i get 17sc ?

Thank u and have a nice day

When renters form contracts with your host, they also put up a certain amount of SC called allowance. They may upload and download files within that allowance, but at the very beginning, nothing is uploaded, so your potential revenue from that contract is zero. Over time, renters upload and download files, so your potential income changes. When a contract expires, depending on the outcome (success/failure), a part of your potential revenue is either turned into earned revenue, or is burned.
What you see is the total amount of potential and earned revenue.

Yes Mike i understand this

Can you confirm this, i would like to understand :

When i am on main page in my browser ( i run on windows ), scale is 1 mounth, i see:

Potential-all-total : 1 ks
earned-all-total : 17 sc
Its mean during the next mounth ( 15/02 to 15/03 ), i will potential win 1ks ?
Its mean during this mounth ( 15/01 to 15/02 ), i get 17sc ?

It means that:

  • this month you have earned 17SC, and it is already yours
  • this month, if nothing changes and your host manages to submit all storage proofs, you will earn 1KS
    Nothing else can be concluded due to the lack of information.

Thank You Mike76

Have a nice day