I am interested in everything crypto and decentralized, and recently discovered the sia project. It is very cool and I am planning to submit FreeBSD ports of the walletd, hostd and renterd software.
Something that I think would drive interest is to have the community/ecosystem up to date and actually include working projects.
For example, the Telegram renterd alert bot links to a page about grant application.
It is only by browsing this forum that I found such project has been granted, funded and even completed !
Same for Pixeldrain, the blurb there goes to the grant application page when apparently the site is active at pixeldrain.com
Also some projects would deserve to have some useful links and information, not just forward to the grant application page. For example, the renterd FUSE drive project could show that similar features (mounting renterd storage like a filesystem) can be achieved with rclone and the renterd S3 api. New users could easily conclude that the only way to access and store files on sia is through the Web UI of renterd.
The hostd metrics grafana integration leads to a gist on github. Just some configuration text, no explanation, nothing. It may be sufficient if you know grafana already but it’s not really enticing…
Anyone new to sia, if not motivated to dig further, could just move away from a potential solution with sia because the project page is kind of misleading. I know I almost did, the website made me think this was not a very deep or developed project, missing many features to make it useful now. Of course I know this was a wrong opinion and I am pretty enthusiastic about sia now.
So, I hope anyone who can work on those issues will take notice. I think sia deserves to be much much bigger