Grant Proposal: Memory Gardens

Grant Request for Memory Gardens on the Sia Blockchain

Memory Gardens proposes building a secure and decentralized memory garden platform on the Sia blockchain. The platform will allow users to store their memories, photos, and other digital assets in a secure and decentralized manner. Memory Gardens seeks funding of $65,000, allowing us to add Sia as a storage option in our platform.

Memory Gardens aims to provide a secure and decentralized solution for consumers to store their memories and digital assets. The project will involve developing a backend management system and API that will connect to the Sia network, providing an easy-to-use platform for users to access their stored memories and assets. The project is motivated by the growing demand for secure and decentralized storage solutions and the desire to meet this demand by offering a solution on the Sia blockchain.

The increasing popularity of blockchain technology and growing security concerns regarding centralized storage solutions have created a demand for secure and decentralized memory garden platforms. Memory Gardens intends to meet this demand by providing a secure and decentralized solution on the Sia blockchain, giving users peace of mind when storing their precious memories and digital assets.

Developing a secure and decentralized memory garden platform requires specialized skills and expertise, so hiring external developers is necessary. Hiring external resources will allow Memory Gardens to minimize costs and maximize the chances of success while ensuring that the project is completed to a high standard.

Memory Gardens is requesting $40,000 in funding to hire external developers for the platform’s backend management and API development on the Sia blockchain. The funds will be used for research, data science, and engineering resources. We seek an additional 25K for business development, distribution, and marketing.

The project’s deliverables include:

  • Backend management system and API development for the memory garden platform on the Sia blockchain
  • Implementation of the platform on the Sia network
  • User-friendly interface for consumers to store their memories and digital assets
  • Ongoing support and maintenance of the platform to ensure its security and reliability


  • Day 1-20: Hiring 40K
  • Day 20-80: Backend development
  • Day 80-110: Mobile application integration
  • Day 110-140: QA and marketing campaign 25K
  • Day 150: General release

Memory Gardens aims to provide a secure and decentralized platform for users to store their memories and digital assets. The proposed project will significantly contribute to the Sia ecosystem and the wider community.

Mission: At Memory Gardens, our mission is to provide individuals with a safe, secure, and permanent way to store and preserve their most important memories, data, and information. We believe everyone should have the right to own and control their personal data, and we are committed to using cutting-edge technology to make this a reality.

Vision: Our vision is to become the Dropbox of decentralized storage, providing individuals with a secure, archivable service for all personal and individual content types. We strive to build the “human library” of the future, where individuals can store and access their most important data and memories perpetually, free from the risk of deletion, removal, or censorship.

Values: At Memory Gardens, we are a decentralized company with a diverse team of individuals from different countries and different religious backgrounds. Our diversity allows us to bring together a unique set of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, leading to cross-pollination and the creation of cutting-edge solutions. We value inclusiveness, collaboration, innovation, and working together.

In conclusion, Memory Gardens is seeking $65,000 in funding to hire external developers to build a secure and decentralized memory garden platform on the Sia blockchain. The platform will provide a secure, user-friendly solution for users to store their memories, photos, and digital assets. The project will significantly contribute to the Sia ecosystem and the wider community and aligns with the company’s mission to provide individuals with a safe, secure, and permanent way to store and preserve their essential memories and information. Memory Gardens values inclusiveness, collaboration, and innovation and is committed to using cutting-edge technology to achieve its vision of becoming the "Dropbox of decentralized storage.

Memory Gardens intro video -

Memory Gardens website -

E-mail : [email protected]

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Hello Benji,

The committee reviewed your proposal and would like more information before it can be fairly evaluated.

There is concern about the lack of risk defined in the proposal. A risk identified by the committee was the need to hire developers for this project - having to onboard brand-new developer talent can be costly and time-consuming. Details regarding the ability of the current team to deliver would also be helpful, such as links to actual work done in the form of GitHub profiles or something else.

It seems like the team is currently developing on Arweave, and an understanding of the differences between Arweave and Sia would be an important consideration. The open-source commitment is also unclear in the proposal.

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee