My understanding of crypto technology may be a bit off here so please bear with me.
If Sia works on Ethereum, and Ethereum is a smart contracts blockchain, shouldn’t it then be relatively easy to draft a smart contract to atomic swap between SC and ETH, perhaps in some sort of dApp?
Why does this technology not exist? It sounds like something that should easily already exist, specially for something like SIa that has dozens of thousands of potential users stuck on the wrong side of legacy finance’s artificial barriers.
Hello. Please see Standard Grant: HTLC Upgrade for Sia for use in Atomic Swaps. This grant is basically funding atomicdex (komodo) to integrate with SC.
it is far from simple but it is roughly in the final stages and I would assume will be fully available after the hard fork, if not sooner.
To be clear BTW, Sia is a dedicated, BTC-like blockchain. it is NOT running on ETH.
Atomicdex support! That sounds fantastic then. Thank you! 
Also thanks for the clarification. I could’ve sworn it was on ETH. 
Sia was launched before ETH was invented