Standard Grant: Wordpress Backup Plugin

Realistically, while this can work, I can say no website owner would opt for this unless it was linked to a paid backup service. And if they did, a developer/devops would have to do it. I speak from experience on that.

Fundamentally… your issues will become a question of the owner having to manage Sia and infra.

My opinion is if you focused the backup process on just IPFS (using the pinner api spec) and/or S5… and had it submit to a portal service, this would be immediately adoptable by websites. Otherwise there is just going to be a ton of hurdles that are not practical to overcome as they are managing infra.


Thanks for the latest updates to your proposal. After review, the committee has voted to approve your proposal.

We’ll reach out to the email address provided in your proposal. Onboarding to the Grants Program can take up to a couple weeks, please adjust your timelines as appropriate and be ready to provide those to us during the process.


Hello, this grant begin ?

Hello @Aatsu, not yet. Due to compliance problem during the onboarding we need to repost the grant request. We will do it tomorrow.
Despite everything, we have started the design of the application as well as its operating architecture.