Standard Grant: DartSia Mobile App

Thanks for your proposal to the Sia Foundation’s Grants Program! The committee is requesting an update to this proposal in order to fully consider it.

  • You need to provide an actual timeline for your project. Estimates are fine, but you should be able to tell the committee what’s happening, when it’s happening by, and how long the overall project will be.

The committee believes this proposal can be updated to accurately reflect this change, and so we’ll leave this in the Proposed category for now. Please update accordingly and the committee will re-evaluate. Thanks!

Hello Steve and thank you to the foundation for the consideration. We have update the proposal and the complete timeline are available here :

We hope that with this latest additional information, the committee will finally be able to fully study our grant request.

Thanks for providing the requested edits to your proposal. Note that all content must be included in the forum posts themselves for archival purposes. Please update your proposal to remove the Notion link and add the timeline information to the forum. We appreciate you noting where the Milestones fall in your timeline, and be sure to include that info as well during this process.

Once this is complete the proposal will be returned to the committee for consideration. Thanks!

Hello Steve and thank you for this feedback. We have just edited our proposal by adding the Timeline directly to it as requested by the committee.
Best regards

Thank you for the latest edits to your proposal. The committee has voted to approve this grant!

We’ll reach out to your provided email address to begin onboarding. It can take a couple of weeks to get new grantees set up, so please adjust your timelines accordingly. We’ll contact you after onboarding is complete to get the updated timeline and milestone target dates.

Hello Steve and thanks to the sia grant committee for approving this proposal. We will update the timeline and begin the work on next week. We also waiting the onboarding email to advance in formal process.

Hello @innovtech,

This is a reminder that your April progress report is now late.

Progress reports are due by the end of the 2nd day of the month, in this instance your April progress report was due on May 2nd.

Please be sure to follow the Progress Report Template and submit your progress report so we may continue funding your grant.

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Hello Kinomora,
In agreement with Frances, our first report must be sent on June 2. We took several weeks for onboarding between identity checks and late payment.
Thank you very much.


Progress made on our grant this month?

During this month, we mainly worked on optimizing the architecture of the application to be able to operate using the Go middleware that we will start to develop to facilitate and secure communications between the application and the renterd server.

We also work on the bucket and file management page. We end the design of the page and finish the devellopment on the functionnality on the application.

Problems Encountered during the work

During this phase, we did not encounter any major problems apart from the time it took to put our development servers back into service.

Links to repos worked on this month:

What will you be working on next?

For the next month, we will mainly work on finalizing the file management part by integrating the S3 API into our application.
We will also try to work on the application’s notification and alert system.

Hello @innovtech ,

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Progress made on our grant this month?

During the month of June, we mainly worked on the Middleware ensuring communication between the application and the Renterd servers. We have completed its construction and carried out operational tests. It was designed by creating a proxy tunnel that encrypts communications directly with the server.

We have also started to integrate the new communication module into the mobile application through a dart package.

Problems Encountered during the work

During this month, we faced a problem during the development of the middleware because we were not very experienced in the development of Go applications. We had to retrain ourselves on this technology before tackling the development itself.

Links to repos worked on this month:

What will you be working on next?

For the next month, we will finalise the file management part and the integration of the middlewarre into the application. We will also push the application on the google Playstore.

Hello @innovtech

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Hello @Kinomora
Please, can you check your DM on discord? One of our coder want to join the forum.

Hello @innovtech,

This is a reminder that your progress report is due.

Please be sure to follow the Progress Report Template and submit your progress report so we may continue funding your grant.

Did your developer ever join the discord server? I don’t recall getting a DM from him, but I could be forgetting.

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Progress made on our grant this month?

During this month of July, we mainly worked on the file management system and its integration with the middleware we created. We adjusted the encryption algorithm we created to add an additional layer of protection in the communication by adding the TLS protocol.

We also finished with the integration of the communication module on the client side of the application and at the same time performed initial tests and operational tests by importing and manipulating buckets and files.

Problems Encountered during the work

We had some issues with the notifications module not returning the correct information about the operating status of the renterd server.

Links to repos worked on this month:

What will you be working on next?

We will take the next 2 weeks to try to finalize with the remaining features then complete the unit tests on the application and finally release a public version on Google Play.

Yes @Kinomora Our dev joined the discord group and found a solution to his problem in the old messages.

Final progress report

Thanks again to the committee for giving us the opportunity to work on this project by funding it. Despite several difficulties that have delayed the completion of the project a little, we can say in view of the functionalities already operational that this project is a success.

What progress was made on your grant ?

The features that we have developed throughout the 4 months of work on this project:

  • Login : Be able to connect to a rented host using its IPv4 or DNS address and password.

  • Network Overview : This functionality allows you to display real-time data on the state of the Sia network as well as its interactions (Numbers of active hosts, Total Network storage, Total used storage, Storage Price per TB)

  • Host Research : This functionality allows you to list all the hosts available and active on the network.

  • Show Host informations : This feature allows you to display all of the host’s information as well and its scoring.

  • My Host Overview : Allows you to display the operating information of your host and see its operating status

  • Modify Host Parameters : This feature allows you to easily modify your host’s configuration settings.

  • Buckets and file management (70%) : This functionality gives the possibility of managing Buckets on your renterd host as well as all files and folders (Creation of folders, Uploading of files, Renaming of files, Deleting files and moving files).

  • Communication Middleware : We created a middleware application in Go to ensure the communication functions between the application and Renterd, initialization and recording of user connection information and especially encryption of traffic via SSL and AES256 protocols.

What will you be working on next?

Some features that had been announced in the initial grant could not be developed due to lack of time and financial resources:

  • Active Hosts Notifications: This feature allows you to receive notifications about changes in the status of a host (This feature requires the addition of a module at the middleware level to transmit notifications to the mobile application).
  • File sharing: This feature allows you to share a file with an access link.
  • Publish the app on google play store and ApplePlay (Google play console account verifications were started this week and should take a maximum of 7 days)

These features will be developed during phase 2 of the project as well as additional features such as:

  • Improved UI/UX design

  • Improved communications encryption algorithm

  • Implementation of a file encryption feature

  • Implementation of a phone file backup feature similar to Google drive

  • Implementation of a sqlitedb backup system for the renterd server

  • Write documentation, github page and tutorials for the application

Links to repos :

Hello @innovtech,

Thank you for your Final Progress report!

A member of the team will reach out to your regarding the wind-down of your grant.

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Hello @Kinomora.
Any update about the wind-down of the grant? We want to publish a new grant demand to complete the remaining work and implementing the new functionnalities that we want to add to the system.

Best Regard,

Hello Steve,
We did not receive the departure email as you mentioned earlier.
Just to know if everything is ok on your side.
