Small Grant: SiaGraph #2


Project Name: SiaGraph

Name of the organization or individual submitting the proposal: CtrlAltDefeat

Describe your project
SiaGraph is a website that provides data and insights into the Sia network. SiaGraph aims to help track the growth of the network by offering users access to various metrics, including storage usage, individual host statistics, and other global network statistics.

How does the projected outcome serve the Foundation’s mission of user-owned data?
The projected outcome of SiaGraph directly supports the Foundation’s mission of user-owned data by enhancing transparency and accessibility within the Sia network. By providing data, analytics, and insights into the Sia Network, SiaGraph empowers users with the information they need to make informed decisions about storage pricing, trends, and host selection. By fostering a better understanding of the network’s operations, SiaGraph contributes to a more informed and engaged community.

We cannot provide grants to residents of jurisdictions under increased FATF monitoring, those that have active OFAC sanctions, or those that fail our bank compliance tests. We also cannot provide grants if your payment bank account is located in those same locations. Please review the following list.

Are you a resident of any jurisdiction on that list? No

Will your payment bank account be located in any jurisdiction on that list? No

Grant Specifics

Amount of money requested and justification with a reasonable breakdown of expenses:
Total: The USD equivalent of €4500. €750 per month, for a total of six months.

  • Salary for myself: €500/month
  • Operational expenses: €250/month
    • Infrastructure €100/month
    • Budget for troubleshooter/benchmarking hosts €50/month
    • Budget for at least 2 Renterd nodes (renting stats) €100/month

I am unsure how much SC funds I will be using monthly, so I put it at the higher end. Any unused funds will be spent on Siagraph after this grant is completed.

What are the goals of this small grant?
The previous grant was mostly focused on stability. The aim of this grant is to expand functionality and usability.

  • Renting stats
  • Tokenomic stats
  • Host troubleshooter. This will allow for on-demand host testing, and automatic testing with notification system via Pushbullet, possibly email, and I’m open to other suggestions.
  • A full rewrite of the backend to allow additional stats to be collected more easily.
  • Additional stats (TBD)

Potential risks that will affect the outcome of the project:
As I don’t have much experience building websites, or developing complex projects, there are multiple risks that are connected to each other:

  • SiaGraph is something I work on next to my full time job. I may be unable to allocate enough time to complete all goals.
  • Building new features/components might prove more difficult or time consuming than expected. This can result in new features being delayed or abandoned. This should have no impact on existing features.
  • This is also my first time working with statistics of this scale. Visualizing new data in a useful and correct way may take longer than expected.

Development Information

Will all of your project’s code be open-source?

Leave a link where code will be accessible for review.

Do you agree to submit monthly progress reports? Yes

Contact info

Email: Already on file.

Any other preferred contact methods: Discord

Hey @CtrlAltDefeat, please update your budget to request a specific USD dollar amount. We’ll use a close estimate for purposes of review. Thanks.

Hey @steve. I just looked up the exchange rate and in USD it would be $4730 total and $788/month.

Thanks for your proposal to The Sia Foundation Grants Program.

After review, the committee has decided to approve your proposal. Congratulations! They’re happy to see someone take on the task of replacing some of the functionality from the very-missed SiaStats, and are excited to see what you can accomplish with this grant.

We’ll reach out to your provided email address for onboarding. This shouldn’t take long unless your info has changed from last time, but you may still need to adjust your timelines.

Thanks for approving. I’ll keep an eye out for the mail :slight_smile:

Progress Report for January

What progress was made on your grant this month?

Not much has happened as the grant started on the 16th and I’ve gotten ill in between.

  • Most time was spent improving server side robustness and implementing backups of the databases.
  • Made some small changes to the API

Summarize any problems that you ran into this month and how you’ll be solving them.


Links to repos worked on this month:

What will you be working on next?

  • Spotted a few bugs in the renter bandwidth stats collection that I will be prioritizing.
  • Removing dependancy of the Siacentral API
  • Initial version of a host troubleshooter

Progress Report for February

What progress was made on your grant this month?

  • Reworked the backend to use the Siagraph Explored node, removing all Siacentral dependencies.
  • Worked on scripts to gather financial stats. This includes things such as(but not limited to):
    • Largest wallets
    • Siafund distribution
    • Locked Siacoins (by renters and hosts) over time
    • Coin supply growth
  • Initial draft of the host troubleshooter
  • Minor changes to the frontend

Summarize any problems that you ran into this month and how you’ll be solving them.

Renter stats and metrics are still being collected. However, I find it more difficult to turn the data into information than initially anticipated.
The impact shouldn’t be too high. I’ve got all the puzzle pieces, I just still need to piece it together.

Links to repos worked on this month:

What will you be working on next?

Priorities of the next month might be impacted by the stability of Explored. Work will continue, but it wont reach the main site until Explored reaches its stable release.

  • Finish scripts related to financial/tokenomic stats.
  • Continue the host troubleshooter and automated host scanning, keeping the upcoming fork in mind.
  • Continue figuring out how to represent the Renter stats.
  • Start designing the webpage(s) for the financial stats.