Small Grant Proposal: Mintyplex

Title changed at request of submitter.

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Thank you so much, @Kinomora

Hello @Sadiq,

Thanks for providing us with the requested updates to your proposal. This looks much better to the committee as a Small Grant, and after review they have conditionally approved this grant! The condition is as follows:

  • Removal of the Miscellaneous category in your budget, as those items are not currently funded by the grants program.

Should you agree to this term, please amend your proposal and reply with a new message in this thread indicating your acceptance. Thanks!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

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Hi @Kinomora

Thank you for getting back with the Committee’s message.

I have amended the proposal and I affirm that I accept the condition for the Mintyplex Small Grant Proposal.

Thanks! We’ll reach out with onboarding steps shortly.

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I’ll be anticipating, @steve

Progress Report - February 2nd, 2024

Progress Made

We finalized our UI Prototype for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and started working on the frontend using Nextjs for the entire web interface, Shadcn for UI components, and Tailwind CSS for styling.

Repo Worked On

MVP Frontend: GitHub - Mintyplex-Organization/mvp

Other Links

Prototype Demo: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Mintyplex MVP Website:

Working on Next

Next, we will be optimizing frontend interactions both for Desktop and Mobile, fixing broken routes, and fully start working on the backend.

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Hello @Sadiq

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

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You’re welcome, @Kinomora.

Progress Report - March 2nd, 2024

Progress Made

The month of February was primarily focused on optimizing our frontend and starting some aspects of the backend.

We completed the Frontend Optimization, ensuring responsiveness for both mobile and desktop platforms, fixing broken links, and developing smart contracts for issuing On-chain certificates using Rust on the Xion Blockchain, enabling us to provide a seamless user experience.

Repositories Worked On

Next Steps

We will finalize smart contracts deployment, fully develop the database and Sia IPFS renterd storage endpoints.

Hello @Sadiq,

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

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Progress Report - April 2nd, 2024

Progress Made

The month of March presented several challenges for the team. Our Backend Developer, responsible for both Backend (Go) Development and Blockchain (Rust) development, fell ill during the first week and took a break.

To address this setback, we onboarded two new developers to handle Backend and Blockchain respectively by the second week.

Consequently, the Blockchain developer had to start anew with smart contracts, while the backend developer began work on backend endpoints.

A few days later, a countrywide internet issue hindered our progress as internet connectivity slowed down significantly.

However, by the fourth week, we made tangible progress with the new smart contracts and initiated the local initialization of the Sia Blockchain.

It took exactly one week (from 21st to 28th of March) to fully download the Sia Blockchain, fund it for a month, and create a storage contract.

Despite the challenges, we successfully created and deployed nontransferable on-chain certificates, established endpoints to allow users to edit their profiles, and created a contract on the Sia Blockchain.

Repositories Worked On:

Next Steps:

Our focus will be on fine-tuning and documenting the smart contracts and backend APIs. Also, we will concentrate on finalizing the function of Sia rentered storage for uploading and downloading digital products, and proceed with integration.

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Progress Report - May 2nd, 2024

Progress Made:

April was quite productive for the team as we finalized the smart contracts and worked on key APIs, allowing people to update their profile and create digital products that are automatically uploaded to Sia. We also started integrating these API endpoints into the front-end.

We did face some errors and challenges with the profile edit API, such as not showing updated photos and throwing errors, but we fixed that.

We also discovered that we have over 450 creators on our waitlist, whom we shall notify to use our platform once we finalize and launch.

Repositories Worked On:

Next Steps:

The goal for this month is to finalize all required APIs for smooth operation of our platform and complete their integrations. After that, we shall proceed with user testing to optimize and fix bugs users encounter.

Hello @Sadiq,

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Progress Report - June 2nd, 2024

Progress Made:

We created the APIs needed for a functional platform and started integrating them.

This went well, as we also fixed previous errors and encountered newer ones. The Blockchain authentication infrastructure we were using upgraded, which affected some functionalities, and we had to address that.

We also started user testing on the integrated APIs, which gave us more feedback on things to fix. Users can now create profiles and upload digital product details. However, we’re currently working on a stable way for them to upload and download digital products with Sia, and we’re making progress on that.

Repositories Worked On:

We worked on the following Repos:

Next Steps:

Our next goal is to fix integration issues completely, prepare for testnet launch, and start user onboarding.

Hello @Sadiq

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Progress Report - July 2nd, 2024

Progress Made:

We fixed issues with integration but encountered new ones while integrating the smart contract clients for paying for digital products with stablecoins on Xion.

These issues arose during internal testing and are currently being resolved.

We also reconfigured Sia with s5. Despite encountering configuration issues, particularly with the proxy, we received valuable support from the Sia technical team, the Discord community, and the s5 creator, which we greatly appreciated.

These errors caused additional, unexpected delays. However, we are conducting internal testing and making fixes to ensure the smooth operation of our testnet platform before launching our marketing efforts.

In the meantime, you can test our platform and provide feedback using the following link:

Repositories Worked On:

We worked on the following repositories:

Next Steps:

Resolve all current issues and launch the testnet to onboard users.

Hello @sadiq

Thank you for your progress report!

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee

Progress Report - August 2nd, 2024

Progress Made:

The month of July was highly productive, with significant contributions from the Sia team, s5 builder and community in providing technical support to our Development team.

We have successfully finalized the integration of Sia functionalities via S5. Currently, uploading and programmatically downloading digital products are functioning well, with uploading fully integrated.

Originally slated for June, our launch has been delayed due to persistent challenges with the smart contracts Blockchain for payments and on-chain certificates. The Blockchain remains on Testnet, limiting us to testing with dummy data even post-launch as no real money can be used for purchase.

Additionally, being a cosmos chain, we have faced resource constraints which have slowed our progress despite completing the smart contract creation and developing a TypeScript client for Blockchain interaction.

To expedite our launch, we discussed with the Base Blockchain team to migrate our MVP to their platform.

This shift entails rebuilding smart contracts using Solidity to enable stablecoin purchases and other account abstractions within the web app.

Post-launch, users will be able to utilize Mintyplex on Mainnet to create and monetize real digital products, facilitating increased user data ownership on Mainnet.

Base Blockchain offers robust tools and resources for development and is one of the fastest-growing EVM blockchains currently available.


To effectively complete the smart contract rebuild, deploy, and launch on Base Blockchain, we are requesting an additional two months’ extension.

Furthermore, we seek additional funding totaling $5,000, split evenly over these two months. This funding will cover salaries, infrastructure costs, and development activities necessary for our accelerated timeline.

The infrastructures we plan to utilize include Thirdweb, Render, Netcup, among others.

Repositories Worked On:

Next Steps:

Pending approval of our request, our immediate focus will be on developing payment and on-chain certificate functionalities on Base using Solidity.

Subsequently, we will integrate and test these functionalities on the Frontend and proceed to launch our Mainnet MVP.

This strategic approach aims to streamline our development process and swiftly onboard users onto the Mainnet platform.

Hello @Sadiq

Thank you for your progress report!

We will discuss your request during the next Grant Committee meeting on Tuesday August 5th.

Kino on behalf of the Sia Foundation and Grants Committee