Grant Proposal: hostd monitoring service

Hi all, for last two weeks there has been an information on the main website telling everyone that due to lack of interest project will be shutting down on 15th Feb 2024. However I still hoped a new mainteiner will pop up and take over the project. If there is such person there - message me at [email protected] as VPS servers will be up for a few more days.

On 28th Feb 2024 the service will be definitely shut down and there will be significant overhead to setting it up again.

I am quite sad events turned out this way, but I see no reason to keep the service up for 3 people. GitHub repo is still up, I may add documentation on how to set it up if anyone wants to resurrect the service on their own.

I find it sad indeed that you have to bring the service down.

However, if I were you, I would make up a comprehensive guide for my eventual successors, just because I wouldn’t want my work to go in vain.

I would request a service/hosting grant from the foundation to keep it online for a year. My gut is that 2025-2026, there will be a lot more demand, and hosts may want this public good.

It may not get any use now, and you might find more things to ask for funding to add to it, but I feel the time when it will matter more is coming.